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The Ocean Cleanup

By 24-05-2019

Nominated for European Design Awards 2019
Category Information Website

GRRR: ‘Plastic soup is a massive problem. But because the oceans don’t belong to one government, it is hard to find a country to take responsibility. An NGO could never fix this problem, because the risk of failure is too high. That is why we positioned The Ocean Cleanup as a ‘social tech startup’. This identity gives them room to experiment and fail, while still attracting support from philanthropists and governments.’

‘Community building is essential on The Ocean Cleanup website. We inform and engage on multiple levels. Quick updates for the fans and a wider audience next to deep and detailed scientific publications. The Ocean Cleanup website is the biggest source of scientific information on plastic soup worldwide, but can also help children to do their show-and-tell. On critical moments, such as the 2018 prototype launch, the website became a real-time data dashboard. All this content is backed by a solid technical framework that can handle the peaks in worldwide media attention.’

Some highlights from The Ocean Cleanup website
Talent Acquisition – Helped The Ocean Cleanup to grow their team from 10 to 107 scarce technical engineers and other highly trained personnel.
Fund Raising – The main communication tool to attract over $20 million in funding to launch the first prototype.
Scientific Backbone – Evolving a feasibility study of more than 500 pages that was turned into a sexy digital publication that is understandable for a broad range of audiences worldwide.

More GRRR > 02.01.2015 / 05.02.2016 / 28.12.2017 /